
Project Panel–Initial

When creating a new project or adding a new transect to an existing project, the information for the transect(s) will be blank, as shown above. In this case we have created 3 transects, each uses the same transect file Hilox-z.txt, which is provided in the program installation. The purpose here is to illustrate having multiple transects as well as investigating the effects Manning's n and Froude number at the shore have on the results.

We will be defining transect T1 to have alpha (Froude number at the shore) as 1.0 and Manning's n = 0.025. Transect T2 will have alpha =  1.0 and Manning's n = 0.03. Transect T3 will have alpha = 1.3 and Manning's n = 0.03.

At this stage we note that there are two sections to this panel, Input and Actual. The input data is specified in the Input section. Some of these values are approximate, and the program calculates the actual values and reports them in Actual after a "Check" has been carried out.

z_R is the elevation (runup) of the inundation limit along the transect, and x_R is the approximate x-coordinate of the runup point (the ASCE Geodatabase specifies z_R, but the user must estimate x_R). The program will search for the nearest datapoint with an x-coordinate equal to or greater than x_R that has an elevation equal to or greater than z_R. It will use this point as the runup point. However, per ASCE 7 the program will ensure this point is at least as high as any point shoreward along the transect. If it is not, it will search for a point landward that is at least as high and use that as the new runup point. The x,z coordinates of the selected inundation point will be reported in section Actual as x_R and z_R.

h_R is the water depth at the runup point, which is typically zero.

x_site is the approximate x-coordinate of the site, and z_site is the elevation. The site need not correspond to an x,z point of the transect. If it is not, linear interpolation is used to find the nearest point with elevation z_site.

Alpha is the Froude number at the shore; ASCE 7 specifies a value of 1.0 or 1.3.

The result after providing the input data is shown here.